Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Sooo a while ago my awesome friend Jeff invited me to join the Wellcast animation team at Mahalo. And it's been great! With a group of about eight of us, we've already wrangled over 8,000 subscribers and over 300,000 views! The animation is very rough, but its more the content that gets the viewers interested. 

One of our videos was featured once, so it has a ton of views! BUT the second most viewed video is one I worked on, called The Party Survival Guide for Introverts. Again, the animation is rough, and I have like three days of turnaround time (ok, like seven, but I always procrastinate... plus I have my full time job too!), so it's not the most amazing animation. But its been a really fun time working on these! And now I have a partner to work with, so the workload is much better. We just put up our first joint animation, fittingly, on Procrastination. 

As I said it's been a fantastic time working on these, and we have 100 episodes to do all together (two released each week), so it'll be long time until we complete the project! And the viewers love it! We've been getting a lot of our ideas from comments. Soon Jeff said we'll be sharing our portfolio websites with the viewers, so I need to get working on mine... finally buy a domain haha.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Apartment Doodle and Work

A quick sketch of an apartment across the street during lunch today.
Two of my friends got hired at my company, and one of them started this week. :) So we have been taking short walks on our lunches and drawing things. It's nice having a sketching buddy again!
Work is hard. Somehow I am now doing graphic design... cause we are so swamped with card design orders. Too bad I was never actually trained in graphic design, so I am winging it mostly. I am doing well, but am way slow! It's becoming a bit of a problem so I stayed late at work today... until 7pm. Which means I put in a 10 hour day (not counting my hour lunch). The hardest part about my day is coming home to my desktop and readjusting myself to using PC hotkeys and shortcuts instead of Mac ones lol. I keep hitting ALT instead of CTRL. Ah, artist issues.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post-Halloween Pumpkins

I really haven't been drawing much lately :( Even these were drawn near the beginning of October, but I just didn't get around to scanning them until now. Correction: I haven't been drawing much ON MY OWN. I draw plenty for my freelance job :) P.S. its here: http://www.youtube.com/user/watchwellcast

I do some episodes along with some awesome fellow animators. It's really fun, though stressful and time consuming especially cause I still have my full time job to do! But it's ok, what else am I doing with my life right now? Basically just watching Dancing with the Stars with my grandma. But now my friend Whitney is helping me with episodes, so it'll be less pressure on me for the deadlines.

I can't believe it's already November! I  have to start planning Christmas presents before it sneaks up on me... and buy my CTN ticket... I suppose this year I'll only be able to go on Sunday, as I work on Friday and have a funeral to go to on Saturday :( So I guess it's a good thing that I didn't buy a 3-day ticket earlier this year. It'll still be a good time to go to a few panels and check out some awesome animations and artwork. Until then, I have to get my act together, update my website and make more business cards!